Application Process
Become a Graduate Student in 4 Easy Steps!
Thank you for your interest in the College of Engineering at the University of Texas at El Paso!! Follow the 4 simple steps below to complete your application!
The following apply to both master's and doctoral students:
Complete your online graduate school application online now at Apply Now! Prior to submission, you will be required to pay for the application fee as listed below.
- $ 45 for Domestic Students (Includes American citizens, Residents and Mexican Nationals)
- $ 80 for International Students (Students from overseas)
If you are an international student, as defined above, you must register to take the TOEFL test. The cost of this exam is $42 at UTEP's Student Assessment and Testing Center. Click Here to schedule your test at UTEP!
For admission, the student must meet the following requirements:
- Minimum of 550 on the paper based test
- Minimum of 213 on the computer based test
- Minimum of 79 on the Internet based test (IBT)
- Minimum of 6.5 or higher on International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
All students applying for admission must register to take the Graduate Record Examination. The cost of this exam is $185. Register Now!
** Although there is no minimum GRE scores requirement for graduate admission, it is highly recommended that all students consciously prepare for the exam. Students admissions are evaluated on a complete application packet.
Lastly, provide the following documents to the UTEP Graduate School:
- Official Transcript(s) for each degree awarded (Bachelor's and/or Master's)
- Diploma from each degree awarded
- Statement of Purpose
- 2 or 3 Letters of Recommendation (Depending on the program requirements)
If you are an international student you must contact UTEP's Office of International Programs (OIP) and complete the following:
- Visa Application
- Miner Village Application
- For Mexican Nationals ONLY: Programa de Asistencia Estudiantil (PASE Application)