Testing Policies
The Student Assessment and Testing Office provides the following as general policy for test cancellation and forfeiture of test administration fees:
Cancellation by Candidate
During this time we will be waiving the cancellation policy. You may transfer your test registration to a future date, please email us with your request at uteptesting@utep.edu
Our regular policy will be back into effect once the University resumes normal operation.
Testing candidates may cancel a test at any time, however, the test administration fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. The candidate will be required to pay the test administration fee upon rescheduling the canceled test session.
To cancel a test session, please call the Office of Student Assessment and Testing at (915) 747-5009.
Late Arrival or Absence or Wrong Form of Identification
Candidates arriving late or bring the wrong form of identification are not permitted to enter the test session. Candidates who are absent will have the test session automatically terminated along with associated test fees will be forfeited. The candidate will be required to pay the test administration fee upon rescheduling the canceled test session.
Expiration of Test Fees
ALL TEST ADMINISTRATION FEES are valid for the fiscal year in which the test administration fee was paid. The fiscal year is stated as September 1st thru August 31st of the following year.
Candidates who have paid a test administration fee, but have not scheduled a test date are advised to schedule the test session on a date prior to the end of the fiscal year, otherwise the test administration fee is forfeit.
UTEP Codes: ACT: 4223; AP, CLEP, SAT, TOEFL: 6829; THEA: 357; DSST: 8021