Texas Examinations of Educator Standards
The University of Texas at el Paso will no longer be a test site for the TExES examination.
For more information about these programs and Texas educator certification requirements, visit the TEA's certification information website .
Educator Testing Transition
The Texas Educator Certification Examination Program will transition to a new vendor, Pearson, beginning September 1, 2018, for the following tests: TExES, TExMaT, TASC, and TASC-ASL. ETS will administer the new Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) when it becomes effective in fall 2019.
A Pearson website with limited information will be available on June 28th. The new full-content website will be available September 1, 2018. www.tx.nesinc.com
Registrations with ETS will continue through August 29th for test dates through August 31st.
Preparation materials and educator preparation program (EPP) resources will continue to be hosted on the ETS website through August 31st.
Score reports will continue to be available on the ETS website through September 28, 2018.
EPPs will have access to ETS Data Manager through September 28, 2018.
Account set up and registrations with Pearson will open on September 1st for test dates beginning September 4th. Educators and candidates who wish to take a test or view their old score reports must first create an account with Pearson.
Beginning September 1st, all TExES and TExMaT exams will be administered as computer-administered tests (CAT). TASC and TASC–ASL will continue to be administered in an interview format.
Pending SBEC approval, test fees effective September 1st will be $116 for most TExES exams, and $58 for individual Core Subjects exams (#801-809). The Texas.gov fee will continue to be assessed.
All test-related inquiries should continue to be directed to ETS through August 31st: www.texes.ets.org / ETS Customer Service 1-800-205-2626
Testing Vendors as of September 1, 2018:
Tests |
Vendor | Phone | Website |
Pearson | TBD | www.tx.nesinc.com (effective 6/28/18) |
Foreign Language & Bilingual Exams: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, & Vietnamese | ACTFL/LTI | 800-486-8444 | https://www.languagetesting.com/ |
Family & Consumer Sciences #200, #201, #202 | AAFCS | 800-424-8080 | http://www.aafcs.org/credentialing-center/professional-testing/texas |
Performance Assessment for School Leaders (PASL) (effective fall 2019) |
ETS | TBD | https://www.ets.org/ppa/test-takers/school-leaders/about |