International Emergency Assistance Program
Although your UT-sponsored health plan extends to cover you during international travel, many countries may have difficulty processing your health plan ID card and often require payment at the time of service. It is important to plan ahead to make sure you will have access to the best possible treatment options and proof of payment in the event that you need health care abroad. To assist you in this, UT System administration has a contract with On Call International to provide emergency medical, security and travel assistance and evacuation services to all UT institutions.
On Call International is not a form of medical insurance coverage, but they will coordinate with care providers abroad and your insurance to help you find the right providers. On Call International is the 24/7 emergency assistance provider as well as the claims administrator for all benefits included in the On Call program. All 24/7 services, benefits, and claims are managed by On Call International.
On Call International can offer advice, connect you with resources, and work with you to make sure you receive the care and support you need both before and during University sponsored international travel.
Employee On Call Plan Description
Students – On Call Services are embedded in your Student International Travel Accident and Sickness Policy
- Pre-departure Preparation: Log into the On Call Plan Information Portal with the UT Group ID 100143CPPD21 to learn more about the services and benefits available to you, gain access to pre-trip resources through plan materials and orientation videos, and access the Global Risk Intelligence site for country specific health, safety and cultural information and advice.
- While Abroad: On Call International will help you locate a qualified health care provider, replace a prescription, or simply answer a general medical or security concern. The On Call plan also includes certain insured benefits that can help you recoup expenses incurred due to travel problems. Review On Call plan documents for full details.
- In an Emergency: On Call International can assist with getting you immediate care, whether it requires evacuating you from an inadequate medical facility to an appropriate one or closely monitoring your condition with local doctors. If you are abroad and in need of immediate assistance, contact the On Call International 24/7 Global Response Center via phone, live chat or email:
- +1-978-651-9722 (UT’s dedicated Line)
- 24/7 Live Chat:
Ensure you always have access to On Call contact and plan information in the easiest place to get it - on your phone. Navigate to the On Call Plan ID site to access the Plan ID card and/or follow the instructions to add the pre-loaded On Call contact to your mobile phone. Alternatively, if you access this webpage from your mobile device, clicking the Plan ID link from your mobile device will allow you to click-to-dial On Call, open a 24/7 Live Chat link and access other plan documents such as the full plan description and tele-counseling information. This is not an app and does not require any login or personal details.
Medical Services
- Pre-trip health information (e.g. vaccination and medical alerts)
- Referrals to local doctors or medical providers
- Medical monitoring and claims assistance
- Guarantees of payment to local hospital/clinics
- Emergency medical evacuation and repatriation services
Global Response Center
- Medical, Security or Travel assistance, regardless of the nature of severity of your situation, contact the On Call 24 hours a day:
- Call collect from anywhere in the world: +1 978-651-9722
- Call toll free from US or Canada: 1-833-328-1091
- Text only number: +1 844-302-5131
- Email:
- 24/7 Live Chat:
- 24/7 access to counselors to support mental and emotional health
Security Services
- Real time safety and security information about your destination
- 24/7 access to security specialists
- Security evacuation services
Travel Services
- Legal referrals
- Translations and interpreters
- Lost document assistance (e.g. passport, visa)
- Global risk intelligence information via the plan info portal and incident alerts upon trip registration
Payment of Services
- If needed, The University of Texas at El Paso will work with On Call International to provide pre-payment for services required
- Upon return, the traveler will place medical insurance claims with the assistance of On Call International and repay the university the expenses incurred
Learn More about insured benefits that accompany global assistance and emergency services and how to use On Call services:
Online registration with On Call International allows for proactive assistance in times of crisis. Registration with On Call International is a System-wide requirement for all international travel.
- If your travel reservation is confirmed and ticketed through a UT System contract travel agency (Anthony Travel):
- Your travel itinerary is automatically registered with On Call International
- The UTEP Travel Policy section requires that all official UTEP international travel be arranged through a UT System contract travel agency (Anthony Travel).
- If your travel reservation is confirmed and ticketed through an alternate source, register your travel with On Call International by completing the following steps:
Forward your booking confirmation emails for flight and/or lodging to
- If you are not using your .edu email address to send the email, ensure you include your Institution name in the email
- If you already know where you are staying but it is not included in your itinerary, you can include the full address of your accommodations in the email along with your flight. As an alternative, you can include the address of where you’ll be doing most of your studying.
- Include your US mobile phone number (optional, will allow mobile app registration)
When On Call receives your trip information, it will be entered in their Travel Monitoring platform, which is powered by OnSolve:
- Dependent upon the risk rating of your destination, you may receive a pre-travel advisory email with standing health and safety advice
- You will be registered to receive critical incident alerts via email if any are issued for your destination shortly before your trip, or while you are traveling.
- You will be registered to use the OnSolve Risk Intelligence application and receive an emailed invitation to download it. In order to optimize usage of the app, use the recommended settings found in the Mobile App User Guide.
- Emails will deliver from OCI Alerts with an email domain, we suggest you take a moment to mark these as safe senders.
NOTE for Student travel: Please visit the UTEP Division of Student Affairs Student Travel website for additional information and resources.
Click on the link below to view a quick reference guide outlining On Call International and Blue Cross/Blue Shield coverage for UT System/UTEP Employees. As always, if you are abroad and in need of immediate assistance, contact the On Call International 24/7 Global Response Center via phone, live chat or email:
- +1-978-651-9722 (UTS dedicated Line)
- 24/7 Live Chat:
- Quick Reference Coverage Chart
- On Call does not offer a personal membership, but you can purchase personal travel insurance via one of their affiliated insurance providers. On Call is part of a group of companies that includes WorldTrips, which offers personal travel insurance with comprehensive coverage. On Call is the assistance provider embedded in these policies.
- Learn more here.
- The Office of Risk Management recommends that travel companions accompanying UT employees on University business always purchase personal travel insurance with On Call as the embedded assistance provider - Learn more here.