tag: Online Learning
3 Ideas for Lifelong Learning During a Pandemic
What can Sir Isaac Newton teach us about learning in quarantine? A lot, as it turns out.
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Ready to Start Your Online Degree? UTEP is the Ideal Institution for Online Learning. Here’s Why.
Online education programs provide students with exceptional access to higher education. Whether you want to increase your knowledge in a specific field, advance your skill set to help with your job search, or would like to pursue a degree without compromising your daily responsibilities, online learning can help you achieve your goals.
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Is Online Education Here to Stay? Here’s What You Need to Know
Online learning and higher education can benefit many individuals by offering multiple advantages that can lead to long-term success personally and in the workforce.
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Do You Have These Skills That Employers Want in 2019?
As the job market continues to evolve, so do the skills employers seek in candidates. If you’re in the market for a new job, adding high-demand competencies to your resume can be the difference between your application ending up in the “Interview” stack or the recycling bin.
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What You’ll Learn in a Master of Defense and Strategic Studies Program
If you’re thinking about pursuing a Master of Defense and Strategic Studies degree, or if you’ve already decided to apply, you’re on the cusp of making a great career move.
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The Three College Courses Every Entrepreneur Needs
The stories of entrepreneurs who achieved incredible success after dropping out of college, or without attending college at all, are stuff of legend—names like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Dell, and Larry Ellison come to mind. This phenomenon isn’t limited to the tech field—take Rachael Ray, who quit Pace University after two years, for instance—nor is it a strictly modern occurrence (consider that Henry Ford didn’t attend college; Kodak founder George Eastman was a high-school dropout; and Andrew Carnegie didn’t make it through elementary school!).
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How an Online Degree Program Can Prepare You for Remote Work Positions
With companies increasingly more concerned with the quality and timeliness of work and less about where the work is taking place, what is higher education doing to prepare students for these kinds of positions? The answer may not be in the content covered in courses or programs offered by colleges and universities, but the format in which they are offered—in person, blended, or fully online.
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The Hidden Benefits of Earning a College Degree
Many of the benefits of earning your bachelor’s degree are fairly obvious. Completing your bachelor’s degree may improve your earning potential in your current position or make you eligible for advancement within your organization. College graduates typically experience lower unemployment rates. So, if you are considering changing careers or looking for more job opportunities, an undergraduate degree is an important asset on your resume.
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7 Ways to Maximize Your Financial Aid and Fund Your Online Education in 2019
Congrats! Making the decision to return to school – whether to complete your degree or add to it – is an exciting one. It’s a unique opportunity to pick up where you left off or start a new phase of your journey with a certificate, online degree, or master’s program. One of the most crucial ways you can set yourself up for success is making sure to plan how you’ll fund your path forward.
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Is online education as effective as traditional on-campus schooling?
Today, more over 6 million students are enrolled in at least one online course, as one recent distance education study shows, and although this format represents a different experience than the traditional on-campus schooling, it is an option that continues to gain traction, especially among non-traditional adult learners and a busy workforce.
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4 Ways Online Students Can Make the Most of the Summer
Summers as an online student offer a unique question – is it best to stay the course and take summer classes or spend a few months pursuing another learning experience? Whether you decide to re-up on your coursework and drive forward toward graduation, or stretch your mind and take on something new, here are a few ways you can spend your summer as an online student.
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For-Profit versus Nonprofit Universities: 6 Things to Consider When Choosing Your Online Degree
Picking the right university for your online education is important and can mean the difference between future success and failure. With so many institutions offering online degrees, you really need to do your homework long before you enroll in a program.
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Thinking of Going to College Online? Read This First.
There are many advantages to an online education, but there are plenty of factors to consider before becoming an online student. Here are some of the questions you should ask yourself and any potential online schools to which you’re thinking of applying.
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10 rules of netiquette for students
Effective communication is key to success in online education, and that’s where the term “netiquette” comes in. Netiquette, which is a portmanteau of “net” and “etiquette,” refers to using courtesy and politeness when communicating with others online.
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FAQs about online education
With more than 6.6 million students nationwide enrolled in online classes, it is important to address a few of the most frequently asked questions our enrollment team receives. If you, too, are considering earning an online degree or are just curious about how your current online classes will translate to a future career, keep on reading.
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