tag: Online Bachelor’s Degree
Highest-paying Criminal Justice Jobs in 2023
If you’re curious about the salary difference between a person with a bachelor’s degree and one with a high school diploma, you should keep reading. The contrast might surprise you.
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Pursuing a Security Career: Defending Individuals, Organizations and Governments Through Cybersecurity Jobs
In the twenty-first century, digital crimes are rampant and must often be dealt with by federal, state and local law enforcement. Municipalities need personnel who will investigate cybercrimes–gather data, analyze risk and assess threats–as they uncover illicit activity and pursue justice. The University of Texas at El Paso’s online Bachelor of Arts in Security Studies will give you a strong foundation for a cybersecurity career across many industries at the state, local and federal levels.
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Is a Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies Right for You?
Looking for a flexible degree? Or a program that makes use of those odd transfer credits? You might want to consider a Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies.
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7 Reasons to Pursue Your RN to BSN
Wondering if a BSN is worth it? Here are just a few benefits of getting your RN to BSN.
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Why Study Business Administration?
Business is far and away the most popular major for students earning a bachelor’s degree. That has been the case since 1980, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.
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The Difference Between an RN and BSN
Considering what path to choose in your nursing journey? Here’s the difference between the RN and BSN.
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True or False? 5 Common Myths About Online Degrees
Common misconceptions about online degrees persist. To be more precise, these are views that may have been true in the past, or even still true for a small minority of poor-quality programs, but do not apply to most degrees offered online today. Before deciding if an online program is right for you, make sure you have the facts.
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How to Choose an Online Degree When an Online Degree Wasn’t the Plan
Virtually overnight, you could say, online learning has become the norm—and it figures to stay that way for a while.
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Secure Your Career in the Fast-Growing Field of Security Studies
As a result of growing national and international security challenges, the need for qualified security professionals on the front lines in the battle against cybersecurity threats, homeland security vulnerabilities, violent crime, and data privacy breaches is rising dramatically and is likely to continue climbing well into the foreseeable future.
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Become the Voice of Your Organization with a BA in Organizational and Corporate Communication
Interested in pursuing an exciting career in public relations, media relations, human relations, event planning, or a related area? UTEP’s online Bachelor of Arts in Organizational and Corporate Communication is your pathway to the job you want.
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Where Can a BA in Criminal Justice Take You?
For many, the first job that comes to mind when they hear “criminal justice” is police officer. And while police officers do make up a significant portion of criminal justice professionals, the field encompasses many other positions related to the law and efforts to enforce it.
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Want to Work in Advertising? This Online Degree Can Help
When you think about media advertising, what comes to mind? Maybe it’s a memorable commercial during a certain football game played in early February. Or a huge billboard alongside the highway you pass on your daily commute. Maybe it’s that (maddeningly) catchy radio jingle promoting the used-car dealership down the street. Or maybe it’s another of the estimated 5,000 ads we’re exposed to every day.
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BA in Chicano Studies: the (Un)Surprisingly Practical Degree for Job Prospects
When considering college degrees that can best prepare you for jobs in the current job market, a Bachelor of Arts in Chicano Studies might not immediately come to mind. But it should.
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Yes, College Is Absolutely Worth It in 2020. Here’s Why
You may have seen recent articles asking whether higher education is still worth it. Publications including The New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal have all posed this question, responding to concerns about the rising cost of attending some colleges and universities. But when you look at the data, you quickly see that the answer is an unequivocal yes. In fact, higher education is as valuable as it’s ever been as we enter the 2020s. Here’s why.
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How to Become a Public Relations Manager: 3 Tips to Help You Thrive
Are you interested in becoming the voice of your organization? Every industry needs qualified professionals to craft their message and influence public opinion. Public relations managers are responsible for a variety of communication efforts that support and promote their organization. Here are three important tips for a rewarding future in public relations.
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7 Practical Media Advertising Courses You Can Look Forward to Taking
Professionals in every industry need to know how to find and speak to their target audience, conveying just the right message to influence behavior. If you’re interested in a career in the rapidly evolving field of media advertising, The University of Texas at El Paso’s online Bachelor of Arts in Media Advertising provides a strong foundation that combines both theory and application.
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UTEP Online Degree Spotlight: What is Chicano Studies and Why Choose It as Your Major?
If you’ve ever been interested in learning the stories of or advocating for populations of Mexican origin living within the United States, Chicano/Chicana Studies at UTEP could be the field for you. While this unique degree program can certainly position you for a career in academia, there are additional professional opportunities to consider.
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Why Should I Choose an Online Degree in Multidisciplinary Studies?
Are you interested in a variety of subjects and having trouble picking just one as your major? Have you taken college classes before and need a degree that lets you use as many of those credits as possible? A multidisciplinary degree may be the perfect choice for you.
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4 Signs You Should Pursue a Career in Law Enforcement
Not all jobs let you live and work in service, but the few that do are often the most fulfilling. If you’re considering a career in law enforcement, you’re likely deeply committed to justice and protecting the people and systems that uphold law and order in our society. As you begin to consider your future – and the online programs that can help get you there – it could be time to consider a career in law enforcement, how to get there, and where it can take you.
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Advertising vs. Marketing: What’s the Difference?
Looking to create a successful career in marketing or advertising? Before you can chart your path to either (hint: UTEP has online degrees that can help you enter both fields), it’s important to understand the differences in these two similar fields.
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Can an Online Degree Get You a Job?
If you’re considering an online degree, it’s clear that you’re thinking toward the future, and that’s a recipe for success. It’s also likely that you’ve started to plan for life after earning your degree. Here are four frequently asked questions about how online degrees translate to the workforce – from how employers view your degree to how you can explain your coursework to someone unfamiliar with the value of an online education.
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Program Spotlight: Bachelor of Applied Arts and Science
Earning your associate's degree was a great accomplishment – but has it allowed you to realize all your career goals? Completing your Bachelor of Applied Arts and Science degree has many advantages – especially when you consider the flexibility of earning it online.
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5 Reasons a Master’s Degree Can Upgrade Your Career
Thomas Edison once said, “Show me a completely satisfied man, and I’ll show you a failure.” So, you want more. You’re driven. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be thinking about getting a master’s degree. But what “more” can a master’s degree really deliver? Let’s get to the list.
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What is Media Advertising?
You need to be heard, but the room you’re in is very crowded and everyone else is trying to talk over you. That’s today’s challenge for marketers. Solve it and you become very valuable to any company. Set yourself up to succeed with a UTEP Connect BA Media Advertising degree.
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What type of degree do you need to achieve your career goals?
When it comes to education after high school graduation, the options are endless. Whether you've already started on a career path or you're fresh out of school, there’s always a chance to achieve your dream career in an online setting. So, what degree do you need to find your dream job? Let’s find out!
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Program Spotlight RN to BSN
You love your career as a nurse, helping people prevent disease, cope with illness and heal from injury. But while you know that earning a BSN degree is the key to advancing beyond basic clinical care, you can’t afford to take years away from work while you complete your studies. An online RN to BSN degree from UTEP Connect is your perfect solution.
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Program Spotlight: BA in Criminal Justice
Ask a group of law enforcement officers why they do what they do and you’ll get a different answer from each person. One thing’s for sure: A safer community begins with people like you, and one way to effectively minimize crime and uphold laws is to arm yourself with a criminal justice degree. In fact, as noted by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, prospective federal agents are required to have a college degree to qualify for the position. If you want to be a crimefighter, an online degree in criminal justice can help get you there.
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Program Spotlight: Systems Engineering Degree
The online Master of Science in Systems Engineering program at UTEP prepares students for the job market by combining International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) standards with hands-on learning. Every student completes a practicum before graduating to gain real-life experience.
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The top 3 ways getting a degree puts you ahead
Whether you're starting a new career or looking for a leg up in your existing profession, you already know that getting a degree can be beneficial. But if you're reading this right now, it's likely you're wondering just HOW beneficial. You're not alone! As you look into what it takes to get a degree, you’ll realize it requires a lot of time, work and expense.
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Program Spotlight: Bachelor of Arts in Chicano Studies
Our country was formed by people seeking freedom, and immigration has created many diverse populations in the United States. If you’re interested in learning more about minority groups by pursuing a degree in ethnic studies, consider getting a Bachelor of Arts in Chicano Studies with UTEP Connect.
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How to choose the right online degree program
If you’re interested in earning a degree online, you likely know there are hundreds of options. Through TV commercials and web-based ads, everyone seems to be offering online degree programs, but determining which program is right for you isn’t so clear-cut.
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Program Spotlight: Bachelor of Arts in Organizational and Corporate Communication
Doing business in this technological age means being able to communicate effectively and efficiently across a broad range of mediums. To take your corporate career to the next level, consider getting an online degree in communication through the University of Texas at El Paso.
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Program Spotlight: Bachelor of Arts in Media Advertising
This isn't your father's advertising industry. In fact, it's not even your older sister's. In a virtual blink of an eye, the entire advertising industry had been turned on its head, moving from favoring newspapers, radio and television to including search engines, websites and social media.
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Why is an online degree better than a MOOC?
Although online learning at a university or college level has existed for quite a while, a new iteration has been causing a bit of commotion within the genre. Massive open online courses, or MOOCs, sprang to life in 2011 and have been gaining popularity ever since. While they are becoming more and more prevalent, MOOCs still can't take the place of online degree programs from accredited universities.
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Why the myth of the college dropout can hurt your career plans
We look at some of the famous college dropouts and how their paths aren’t for everyone. Getting an online degree can help you move forward!
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Program Spotlight: Master of Science in Systems Engineering
Everywhere you look, life is getting more and more complex. As we use technology to create a better quality of life, everything from traffic patterns to electrical grids is being optimized. Systems engineers are at the heart of efforts to resolve issues inside intricate systems and streamline inefficient processes to create a better world.
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Program Spotlight: Master of Science in Construction Management
You know it’s true: A bachelor’s degree is the new high school diploma. In fact, students across the U.S. are earning college credits while still in high school! With this in mind, gaining the competitive edge in an industry like construction management requires a master’s degree. It’s time for you to seriously consider completing your graduate degree requirements, and because you already work full-time, an online degree is your best way to do just that.
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Program Spotlight: Bachelor of Arts in Security Studies
Countries around the globe are faced with complex, multidimensional security challenges. Current concerns include the spread of nuclear weapons, terrorism, cybercrime, political conflicts, religion-based disputes, civil war, food security, and environmental degradation. Governments and private sector organizations need security experts with the skills, knowledge, and creativity to manage and counter these threats.
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Program Spotlight: Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies
Take a quick look at any list of incoming college students, and you are sure to see "Undecided" as a major just as commonly as any other field of study. Sure, there are those who have known exactly what they want to do for a long time, but trying to nail down one particular pursuit can be a daunting task. Some students simply choose to stay undecided, and for them, there is the Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Studies (BMS) online program at the University of Texas at El Paso.
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4 ways to thrive in your online classes
Online learning classes are becoming an increasingly popular way to complete your degree or earn a new one. About 5.8 million students – more than 1 in 4 – now take at least one course online, according to an annual study conducted by Babson Survey Research Group.
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